A Word From Our Lead Pastor
My name is Walby Philogene, and I’d like to welcome you to Progressive Worship Altar, “A ministry committed to Christ, and the progress of His people!” Funny enough, my first name means, “(defensive) wall”, and for a very long time, I felt “blocked” in various ways.
However, I strongly believe that it is in fact the hour in Earth’s history where every wall that has had the people of God stuck MUST COME DOWN, and that through this ministry, the progress of many will come swiftly in the name of Jesus!
I have been in ministry for the past 9 years now after accepting the call of God on my life from a hospital bed in the year of 2015 after having surgery on my heart. However, my Pastoral ministry began in April of 2023 when I received the call to leave my sphere of comfort, and Pastor in Atlanta, Georgia. Although my tenure there wasn’t very long, many things happened while I was there. I can go through the list of things that I, through Christ, was able to do for the church itself. However, the most notable thing that happened during that time was that I heard the voice of God tell me that it was time for me to transition, or in other words - SHiFT! Allow me to say that if I had it my way, I would’ve stayed there. My life was nice and stable! I was definitely comfortable with what my life had become. Constantly traveling, making a decent living, Pastoring people that I had grown to love in a community that I was growing to love, and the list goes on. However, I learned very quickly that when you serve the Lord and you’re chosen by Him, “God doesn’t lead You based on what makes You comfortable, but He leads You based on the needs of His people, and on the premise that He’s placed within You the ANSWER to their Problem(s).”
In Exodus chapter 2, the Bible tells us that the children of Israel groaned and cried out to God because they had become tired of being in boandage. God heard their groans, remembered the covenant between Him, and their forefathers, looked upon them, and acknowledged them by speaking to a man named Moses. When a people is in trouble, God doesn’t always speak to those who have the problem, but to the one(s) who possess the answer(s). In this season, there are many individuals who feel “stuck” in many ways. Financially, ministerially, relationally, educationally, emotionally and the list goes on. And I believe that my purpose is to, through the power of the Holy Ghost, respond to the cries of the “stagnant” & “stuck” by serving as a spiritual midwife by PUSHing people into PROGRESS, and PROGRESSIVE exists to do just that! -WP